Keep Calm and Don’t Freak Out…

Just for Fun, Lifestyle/Personal

 * This is post I forgot all about! It must have been six months ago that I wrote it! I just read it over and thought it was still worth sharing! I guess October 3rd is Bonus Blog Post Day! *

This morning I eagerly logged onto my computer to enrol in my final three classes towards my Publishing Certificate. After getting my BA in English at York, working full-time for a year, then starting up a whole new certificate you can understand how exciting it felt to almost be finished! The plan was that by September I would be FREE from school, I would take the time and look for a full-time job that I LOVED, maybe even travel a bit before settling into “adulthood” – I am ONLY 23 after all.

Well much to my dismay, I realized that none of the classes I wanted to take were available for the summer – even online classes! So, I decided to try the classes that I didn’t want to take and alas not even THEY were available. So, I had a mini melt-down and tweeted this…

I’m never going to be finished school *cue exasperated tears!

Then I very immaturely slammed my computer shut and went downstairs to complain to my mom who’s reply was simply “It is what it is”. Unsatisfied with that answer I logged back onto my computer and checked my Facebook account to numb the thoughts my clouding my head. That’s when I found this:


One of my friends posted it and since I had always wondered what the point of all those “CARRY ON” posters were about I thought I would take a look. Interesting video, huh? What I got most out of it is how profound the words on the poster actually are.


Life may not be working out like you planned but Keep Calm.
Plans never work out anyways.
Keep Calm, something good will come your way.
Love Always 
Vanessa Xo